• Why is it hard to give up controlling your food and weight?

    The more you control your food intake, the more you will binge on an emotional occasion. When your emotions are too strong, you will try to control your food and weight because everything else seems too overwhelming.When things are unstable and you are faced with difficult life changing situations, it’s much easier to try to […]

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  • What to tell yourself before you overeat….

    Three things to keep telling yourself when you are about to emotionally overeat (binge) on your favorite foods: 1. The food you are about to inhale 3min will be there tomorrow. You want to enjoy the food, savour it and move on with your day. You don’t want to feel out of control, feeling sick […]

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  • New Live Podcast!

    On Kat Khatibi podcast on Health, Happiness & Beauty I spoke to Kat about the importance of finding the root cause and psychological reasons that trigger emotional and binge eating. Link on apple and Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_u1Hv4R7tYw

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  • Stop doing these if you want to end emotional eating

    Straight to the point, no fluff, no waffle…this is what I teach my clients over and over again for the past 12 years. There is no magic pill to end emotional eating and lose extra weight but these 4 steps do work (you can find some of the reviews here.) 1. Stop dieting & eat when […]

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  • Why do we feel guilty?

    The main feeling I used to have after yet another emotional eating session or a binge was : GUILT. Most of the people who struggle with the same problem tend to tell me the same: “I feel guilty, ashamed of my eating habits”.  Here are couple of reasons why we feel guilty: You feel you […]

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  • Should I weigh myself?

    So this question comes up a lot and my answer as a coach is yes you can but you don’t have to. If you do, you either weigh yourself everyday at the same time and take an average number on a weekly basis OR you can weigh yourself once a week exactly on the same […]

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  • How to get over “bad body” image days?

    Have you noticed that when you eat well and look yourself in the mirror you feel great about your body? You even notice some shift and all of a sudden you look healthier, toner, fitter…and when you eat poorly it’s automatically the complete opposite? Even though it’s impossible for your body;’s composition to shift over […]

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  • How to stop nighttime snacking?

    Does this sound familiar? “I’M REALLY GOOD ALL DAY LONG AND THEN I JUST GET LOST AT NIGHT. I’M EATING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT.” Nighttime eating is often linked with being overweight or obese, but some normal-weight people also struggle to curb nighttime eating. Do you have nighttime emotional eating habit? If you answer “yes” to […]

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