Is your new body triggering you?

Photos/ mirrors can be very triggering especially during your recovery phase.
Your body may have changed and you may be seeing a shape in the mirror that you have been avoiding for a while. You were hiding although aware that you don’t fit into your old clothes any more.

What happens when you dare to have a look and see the changes? You will be shocked.

You won’t be able to face the reality that no one told you how much weight you have gained. You will try instantly to fix this, to go on a diet, to blame everyone including yourself for the new shape.

This is how you can move on from these unpleasant emotions:
1. The way you talk to yourself is important and you don’t necessarily need to love your new body yet, but don’t torture it and don’t try to go against. 
Tell yourself this: I have been at war with my body and this is how it looks like when I am not. It’s a bit scary but I will be OK. This is the real me, not the fake, restricted me.

2. Photos are just images, you are so much more than the shape of your body

3. Start focusing on the body parts you love and slowly start to watch yourself on different surfaces as to reduce the amount of “shock”. The more you look, the more your body will become familiar to you.